Coming up for air, a general update

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So much is going on, but some of it is slow and some of it is blazing past like crazy… sometimes it seems that the only thing that keeps me in the correct day is my calendar.

To bring those up to speed who have been watching:

Daniel’s neurology appointment last week went very well.  Dr. Susan is not an advocate of putting him on a ton of medications right off the bat, so we’re just going to increase the Keppra until we reach a certain point, and if it stops the seizures, we’ll keep with it until we need to change it up again.  All the work we’ve done so far with the diet and the supplements “saves us six months of guess-work” – we know they help, so there’s no “wait-and-see” there.

This weekend is the DOA Unnameable Film Festival, which will be showing Joe’s first short film, “Annotated“.  It’s a Lovecraft-themed festival, so wear your best tentacles.

I absolutely adore the new location for my Reiki classes, but it would be even better if, you know, more people showed up.  (I’m not bitter, just impatient. 😉 )  I had to raise the price a little so that I could pay for the space (now that it actually costs me something), and I’d like to be able to order more books.

Which reminds me that one lucky cuss will get the very first hardcover copy of “Reiki Your Leaves” if they get to me first.  It’s $35 and quite lovely.  (If I have no takers by the end of the week, I’ll probably keep it for myself.  😉  )  I should get that shipment in sometime today or tomorrow, so if you want it, let me know soon.  I’ll even sign it for you.

Let’s see…

I’m looking into fast-tracking my schooling so that I can finish my Bachelor’s early, and then I’m thinking about getting into video games more seriously by pursuing a Master’s in VG.  I’ve been in the industry for over five (six?) years now, it’s something I know well, and I have some really strong ideas of what I’d like to do in the long run with it…

And it makes me happy.  🙂

Okay, that’s enough of that, time to get back to work.  Mondays are Mondays.

Dawn Written by:

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