The Normality Factor Posts

December 28, 2013 / / Personal Life
Reading Time: 10 minutes

In the last few years, I put out these long multi-day challenges to get everyone to really think about their world and their words and their conditions… and while I’m all for self-reflection and all that, I just didn’t feel like that was something I needed to do this year.

Instead, I want to do a year in review.  From January to December, with pictures (where appropriate) and brief shots of the highlights.  And then some thoughts.  Because I think things sometimes.  But not always.


Highlights:  Got a job, finally; we bought our tickets for DragonCon in Atlanta and booked our bed-and-breakfast; also, my divorce from Joe was finally finalized.

Favorite Quotes:

Him: “AH! Your feet are cold!”
Me: *rubs feet rapidly on the sheets to warm them up*
Him: … you’re such a nerd.
Me: What? Because I use physics and thermodynamics to my advantage?
Him: …
Me: … okay, I see your point.

* – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – *

Him: “That may be your opinion, but it’s wrong.”
Me: “No, we already talked about this: You’re always right, but it’s only my opinion that matters.”
Him: “No, no, if I’m always right, and I say your opinion is wrong, and I’m always right, then I’m right.”
Me: “But it’s the difference between material facts and subjective observations.”
Him: “Right, and since your opinions are not material and have no mass, they don’t matter!”
Me: “…. damn, you’re a nerd.”
Him: “And I win.”
Me: “And you win.”

December 13, 2013 / / Relationships
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The subject came up over the week while I was talking to my wooby about how men and women deal with things differently.

inorite?!? Like, ALL the time!  </sarcasm>

It’s not enough that we recognize men and women respond differently.  If we’re going to get on, we’ve got to get to where we understand why and how. *

Wooby said that whenever his wife (or any other female companion from years past) needed something from him relationship-wise – more time, more sex, take out the garbage, etc – he felt like “he was in trouble”, and this created a sense of panic on his part as his insecurities started to rage.  He got defensive, he got testy, he got irrational, and even if the normal part of him agreed that, yes, he probably should take a few more turns washing the dishes, the other louder part of him started freaking out because ZOMG SHEEZX GUNNA BRAK UP WIF MEE! (or something to that effect) due to a lack of performance on his part.

(And every woman reading this just rolled her eyes and nodded, having experienced this at least once.)

(And every guy fidgeted in his chair and thought about surfing away from this page.)

What men don’t realize is that if we chicks didn’t trust you to fix the problem, we wouldn’t ask.

Let that sink in for a minute before I pontificate.

The key word in that whole sentence is not “fix”, nor “ask”, nor even “chicks”.  It’s trust.