Reiki Classes starting on 7/7!

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So, here’s the scoop:

The fine, fine folks over at Silver Pyramid are granting me some space to teach Reiki.  There are a few things you should know about this class.

The first is that it’s an all-degrees class.  That means if you’re a brand, spanking-new beginner or an old hand that just wants a ‘fresher, you will be welcome and probably find something awesome in this class.

The second is that there’s a textbook – but not just any textbook!  You can get a paperback from Lulu, you can get a hardback from Lulu, you can download the electronic version, or you can buy a paperback directly from either me or the Silver Pyramid (I’ll be dropping off the first batch later today).

The interesting thing about this textbook is that there’s a whole chapter in there on self-attunement, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a class, except that everyone learns in a different way, and even the self-attuned tend to like to share their Reiki because Reiki loves to play!

The third thing is that, as much as I’d like to make it so, this is not a free class.  It’s $15 per person, per class, and you can come to as many or as few as you like.  We’ll cover different material each time, but we will discuss topics that are valid for each degree.

Leave a comment or email me if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you there starting Thursday, July 7th.  It should be going on every other week, with the potential of other classes happening on interim weeks in the future.  Stay tuned for details.


Dawn Written by:

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