Last updated on February 17, 2021
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDaniel Thomas Fawkes Ellis-Lopez was born at 3:14 pm on November 13, 2007. He is 5 pounds 5 ounces, 19.5 inches long, and incredibly beautiful. He has a head of moderately thick dark blonde hair, as well as slightly furry shoulders. He looks almost exactly like Joseph.
Some really interesting things about Mr. Daniel’s birthday, both trivial and amazing:
* It’s all prime numbers.
* He was born at the value of Pi. (Jeff pointed this out for me. 🙂
* His life-path number is 6, which means that he has a propensity for the “Magic Number” of 3 and is going to be able to bring about major accomplishments with equally talented partners.
* There was not only a True Knot in his cord but it was wrapped around his neck once, his abdomen twice, and his arm once more.
* Despite the dire warnings of grave consequences from the pediatrician on duty, he was only on oxygen for a short period of time and was able to switch to regular old room air. No chance of getting moved to Denver!
* We may even be home by Thanksgiving, but I’ll still come back up to spend some time with all of the awesome nurses and doctors that have made getting through this entire ordeal.
I’ll post some pictures very soon. My sleep schedule is completely buggered up, as you can probably tell by the late/early hour of updating.
I am so relieved and happy, all the way around. I promise, a more complete overview on the morrow. I am finally feeling sleepy enough to perhaps sleep.
Thank you all so very, very much. I could not have gotten through this time without you.
More later, with photos
Geez, he was all tangled up in there! Sounds like he needed a bigger place. 🙂 I can’t wait to see photies.
So glad that everything turned out the way that it did. It sounds like you’ve got a perfectly healthy baby boy! You and Daniel sure went through a scary pregnancy. I can’t wait to meet him and see all of you guys again, whenever that might happen.
Now that all of that is done, take a quick breather. Gather your strength again. You know this already much better then I do, but it’s going to be very busy soon. =) Me and Jenn are sending you guys lots of happy thoughts.
congratulations! *hugs to the mommy and baby!*
Congratulations !
I already wrote it on the forums but I’m doing it again here.
I’m so happy all is well.. I for some reason had a feeling it would be.. I kept thinking I was seeing signs that things would be fine.. but I’m also young and silly and crazy.
give my love to Daniel and Mage. I cant wait for pictures.
Lots of Love,
Yay! Welcome Daniel! 🙂
Best wishes and congratulations on the safe delivery of this special little boy. From the numbers it sounds like he has some big shoes to fill, but I’m glad that he’s here and now instead of worrying you can focus on getting well and enjoying your new little sweetie. And since this is the last one, at least you won’t be having to go through all this drama and angst again. You’re done with it, you have a full house, and the holidays are ahead to celebrate.
Congratulations! Now take a deep breath, cause you have 18 more years to go. 😉
Hooray! Hooray! The baby is here! The baby is here! I am so relieved that all went well and you and baby Daniel are fine! Much love to you all!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! 🙂