Day Nine: Six wishes I would make for six different people

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lg_number6Six wishes I would make for six different people:

(I’m going to make this one anonymous. You can probably guess who some of them are meant for, and some could go to more than one person.)

6: Joy in sobriety, because sobriety is not just the act of being sober.

5: Compassion for yourself with the realization that you’re the only one that believes in the nature of your crimes, and that when you choose to let them go, they cease to have ever been crimes at all – which is good, because they never were.

4: Clarity! The monster is not what you think it is, nor is the enemy.

3: Prosperity, because how many people in a community benefit when things go well?

2: Courage, both in meeting new people and in carrying on relationships with the ones you already have in your life.

1: Ice cream and eggnog and snuggles and warm fires and rich food and tight hugs and contented sighs and late nights and a happy memory jar that will overflow by the end of Lucky ’13.


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