Day Three: Ten things you are enormously grateful for
1. Chocolate!
2. Our neurologist, who doesn’t believe in over-medicating
3. Weekends, when Joe takes the boys and I can actually get uninterrupted sleep
4. Pants (because they make Daniel happy, even when they’re not his)
5. The “schedule” feature in WordPress 😉
6., because I am a poor knitter who cannot buy all the patterns I want
7. Friends who understand that being a single mom on a low income means having to do free and low-cost fun things only
8. Amazing children who test my patience and my view of the world every single day
9. My health, now that I’ve gotten it back – and especially when it reminds me that I have to work to keep it
10. My job, even when it stresses me out, because thank the gods I’ve got one!
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